le mardi 15 juin 2010 :

papier peint "birdhouse", en vente au mètre ICI

jeanne porte :
- une robe à plis, sans manche en lin naturel : le vestiaire de jeanne (en vente ICI)

autres modèles de the collection :

6 commentaires:

Yoli a dit…

Can she be anymore beautiful and elegant? You are such an inspiration.

claude a dit…


Yanyan a dit…

So beautiful! Your design is such an inspiration to me. I ordered one piece for my daughter who is still inside of my belly :) She needs to wait for 2 years before she could wear the dress but I am sure it is worth the wait! Can't wait to receive it!!

Maia a dit…

Wonderful! I love the bird houses.

Kickcan & Conkers a dit…

J'adore la collection - surtout ce papier peint et les grands stickers noir.

Wonderland a dit…
